Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Etika Profesi


Etika profesi petugas keamanan:
  • Pada saat jam kerja tidak meninggalkan tempat bekerjanya, dan tidak tidur pada saat berjaga
  • Tidak mengambil barang atau hak milik orang lain atau tidak mencuri karena salah satu tugas seorang petugas keamanan menjaga keamanan.
  • Menjaga ketertiban dan tidak membuat kericuhan yang mengakibatkan orang merasa risih dan tidak aman.

Etika Profesi Dokter:

  •   Mengutamakan keselamatan pasien 
  •   Merawat dan pasien dengan baik agar lekas sembuh 
  • Bersikap sopan dan ramah terhadap pasien

Etika profesi petugas kebersihan:
  • Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan yang seharusnya dia memberikan contoh kepada masyarakat.
  • Tidak membiarkan sampah yang berserakan apabila melihat ada sampah yang berserakan dijalan.

Etika profesi guru:
  • Mengajar atau mendidik siswa dan siswi dengan benar untuk membentuk murid-muridnya menjadi manusia seutuhnya yang berjiwa pancasila
  • Harus bisa bersikap profesional terhadap pekerjaannya
  • Harus bisa mencontohkan bagaimana bersifat objektif dan terbuka pada kritikan serta menghargai pendapat orang lain.
  • Bersifat dan bersikap baik terhadap murid-murid agar dapat diterapkan oleh murid-murid dikehidupan sehari-hari
  • Berpenampilan sopan agar dapat diterapkan oleh murid-murid dikehidupan sehari-hari
  • Tidak melakukan hukuman yang berat seperti memukul, menendang atau kekeasan fisik terhadap murid yang melakukan kesalahan.

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Menganalisa dan Mendeskripsikan Etika Sosial

Minggu sore pada saat saya sedang berolahraga futsal. Saya melihat pelanggaran etika sosial yang dilakukan seseorang. Mengapa orang itu dibilang melakukan pelanggaran etika sosial, karena pada saat itu dia ingin membeli minuman di sebuah kantin tetapi penjaga kantin itu sedang tidak ada. Dan orang itu mengambil minuman pada saat penjaga kantin tidak ada. Setelah beberapa saat penjaga kantin itu baru datang dan orang yang mengambil minum itu membayar minuman yang tadi diambilnya. Meskipun dia sudah membayar minuman tersebut, mungkin tanpa disadari dia sudah melakukan pelanggaran etika sosial dimana pada saat itu tidak semestinya mengambil minuman pada saat penjaga kantin itu tidak ada.
Pada hari senin saya melihat orang yang melanggar etika sosial yang tidak seharusnya diperbolehkan. Pada saat itu orang itu sedang makan bersama teman-temannya sambil duduk berlesehan dilantai dengan santainya. Setelah dia memakan makanannya dia meninggalkan begitu saja bekas sampah dan bungkus makanan tadi tanpa membuangnya ketempat sampah. Dan menurut saya orang itu sudah melakukan pelanggaran etika yang seharusnya dia sadari bahwa tindakan itu tidak diperbolehkan.
Selanjutnya pada saat sore harinya saya melihat kembali ada orang yang melakukan pelanggaran etika sosial yang pada saat itu saya sedang melintasi jalanan lalu ada orang yang melakukan pelanggaran sosial yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain, karena orang tersebut menerobos lampu merah yang seharusnya pada saat itu kendaraan bermotor harus berhenti sejenak.
Di hari selasa terdapat pelanggaran etika sosial yang melibatkan teman saya. Pada saat itu dia sedang makan lalu setelah makan dia meniggalkan tempat makan begitu saja dan lupa membayar makanan yang tadi dimakannya, lalu dia bergegas kembali ketempat makan tersebut. Mungkin tanpa disadari dia telah melakukan pelanggaran etika sosial yang seharusnya dia tidak meninggalkan tempat itu begitu saja.
Pada hari rabu saya melihat ada orang yang melakukan pelanggaran etika sosial karena orang itu mengambil buah milik orang lain. Hal ini sepeleh tetapi sebenarnya tidak diperbolehkan. Sebelumnya orang itu harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu untuk mengambil buah itu. Karena dari tindakan tersebut tidak sopan dan merupakan pelanggaran etika sosial.
Pada hari kamis pagi saya melihat beberapa orang yang melakukan pelanggaran sosial karena terdapat beberapa orang yang naik sepeda motor tanpa menggunakan perlindung kepala atau helm. Hal ini termasuk pelanggaran etika sosial karena orang tersebut mengendari motor dijalan raya tanpa menggunakan helm. Seharusnya orang yang naik sepeda motor  dari yang mengendarai maupun yang digonceng seharusnya menggunakan helm untuk melindungi dirinya apabila terjadi sesuatu. Dan menurut saya orang itu sudah melakukan pelanggaran etika yang seharusnya dia sadari bahwa tindakan itu tidak diperbolehkan.

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

My Goals

My dream is approaching 2 years old, my dream now and this semester is to finish the coursework that existing scientific writing half of 6 and more focus on learning to improve IP. For the next semester until graduation I hope to further improve the IP again so that makes it easy to find a job when you graduate college, and can complete the thesis because it's important to determine college graduation in the 8th semester, and graduated with high scores. Then after graduating at graduation with friends and with a force closest friends.
After graduating from college, I want happy parents and working at a large company and can provide partial salary for parents. As well as getting a job as an employee of the bottom and soon became a manager in a large company, and have a car and home dimpikan of the work itself. In addition to the company other people's work, also want to have your own business and then invite your friends to join together to create a business that has a futsal field and has a company engaged in the industry.
Then 5 years from now or by 2018, increasing age is getting well established in terms of economy and others. Be widened and have a lot more business, and have a lot of money and save for a more serious relationship with boyfriend and live with his own money to marry and have children and Soleha good as well as being a happy family forever. The year 2018 also may want to achieve what you want to achieve more.
To achieve the goal or dream that I want in 2 years this approach, I try to study well to achieve high scores and graduation from college, work and do business to be able to buy what they want.

To achieve the goal or dream in 5 years to come, stay consistent with what has been achieved and earned, collect money as quickly as possible, and to manage and always keeps business well made.

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Cover Letter

Attention To:
Human Resources Department
Yayasan KPT
Jl. Raya Bumi Sentoda No. 5

Dear Sir/Madam,
Having known about a vacancy advertised on Kompas, May 26, 2013, I am interested in the position of Account Executive (AE).
I am a 21 year old male, graduated from a reputable university, having skill in English, both written and oral and also operating computer. I am a hard worker, able to work in individual and in team.

I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company's assest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. Thank you for your consideration and attention.

Sincerely yours, 

Angga Setiawan

Curriculum Vitae

Full Name                   : Angga Setiawan
Sex                              : Male
Place, Date of Birth    : Jakarta, July 4, 1992
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Marital status              : Single
Health                         : Perfect
Height and weight      : 165 cm, 55 kg
Religion                       : Moeslem
Address                       : Titian Asri blok A 1 / 12A
Phone                          : 08561992xxx
E-mail                          : AS_lukman@gmail.com


·      2004 Graduated SDN Harapan Jaya IX, Bekasi
·      2007 Graduated SMPN 25 Bekasi
·      2010 Graduated SMAN 4, Bekasi

·      Computer expert
·      Speaking English

Jakarta, May 27, 2013

   Angga Setiawan

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Letter Of Inquiry (Softskill)

Sudirman Street
South Jakarta

April 30, 2013

PT. Galaxy Express
Kuningan Street 16
South Jakarta

Dear Sir,

Our company is engaged in services. We would like to explain about our company. Our company has been established for 13 years until now precisely dated 6 October 2000 our company has been established, we centered on brass Office, South Jakarta. We have several branches including in Bekasi and Bandung. Our company is doing business engaged in the field of freight forwarding services, such as package delivery, freight, or important papers, and others. Our company can deliver goods throughout Indonesia and foreign countries with fast delivery and arrive on time. From this description of our company, we intend to invite you to work with our company to help promote our company. In addition there are some things that we want to ask such as:

  1. Promotion of what is in accordance with our company?
  2. When promotion time in accordance with our company?
  3. Where appropriate promotion place?
  4. What promotional tools are needed?
  5. What is the total cost required by our company?

We hope you reply to our letter as soon as possible and receive the cooperation with our company. For the attention we thank you.

Yours faithfully

Mr. Gery Anggoro


Kuningan Street
South Jakarta

May 20, 2013

Agents Promotion
Sudirman Street
South Jakarta

Dear sir,

We would like to inform that we have received the letter which you have sent. Previously we thank you for like and trust us as your business partner. We received cooperation from you. Previously we would like to explain the foundation of our company and promotional background that has been done by our company. Our company was established 11 years until now precisely dated April 17, 2002, of which only do promotion for smaller companies to experience growth until now doing promotions for large companies. Our company already established in various places such as in promotional print media, social media and electronic media in the form of brochures, newspapers, ads to help promote goods or services from our clients who want to be promoted.
We also wanted to answer the question that you asked earlier.
  1. Appropriate promotion for your company is to promote through the internet and banners, especially by promoting through advertising media because most diliat by people.
  2. There is no problem with the promotion time because it can be done anytime, but more often do promotions on the day of Eid as big as a lot of people who want to send the package.
  3. For promotions where we suggested in places such as malls, and office buildings.
  4. Tools needed are brochures, banners, etc..
  5. Total costs required depending your company promotion in a way that the use of such advertising in electronic media or through brochures.

Your faithfully

Mr. Indra
Marketing manager

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013


Many people assume that the promotion and marketing have the same sense, when that promotion is only one part of the working paper. Although often associated with sales promotion but the truth campaign has a broader meaning than sales due to sales is only related to the exchange of property rights by the salesperson, while the promotion is any activity intended to inform, persuade or influence consumers to keep using the product company. promotion of understanding proposed by Philip Kotler is as follows:
"Promotion encompasses all the tools in the marketing mix Whose mayor is persuasive communication".

Promotion includes all the tools in combination slat main role of marketing communication is to conduct a campaign to persuade its communication process of delivering the message or news about your products / goods or services from sellers to potential buyers (consumers).
Promotion is concerned with a method of communication that is aimed at a target market of the exact product being sold at the right place at the right price. Promotions include sales by individuals, bulk sales and sales promotion. Based on the above it can be a third opinion concluded that the promotion is the efforts made by the company to influence consumers into buying the product or to convey a message about the product with the opening up communication with the listener (audience) that are persuasive.  although the implementation of this promotion is generally done by the sellers / producers, buyers or prospective buyers sometimes sometimes consciously or unconsciously have also done promotions, for example if they want any information / explanation about the price, quality and so on from the sales. For example, in a state of daily life sometimes when people talk offend certain product or also, generally the wish to buy a house or to say that tomorrow night at Juwita very nice movie, so in this case the person was carrying out kegiatankegtatan promotion.
As stated above, the basic purpose of the implementation of the promotion is to influence consumers into buying the product seller. A promotion held without whose objective is tantamount to performing work in vain. Promotional purposes is fundamental in making the overall promotional program will be run by the company in order to achieve what he wanted, and then will follow the next steps. Virtually every company that has a promotional program when seen obviously that the objectives of the promotion of each are often not equal to each other. However, in general, a campaign whose objective are as follows:
1. Appearance:
One important goal of the campaign is the promotion must be able to deliver a number of prospective buyers barely pads intended or targeted, so companies should mem1lih yens mane can be achieved to the target buyers. In order to consider this apparition lengkah the following steps:
-Determine the intended or prospective buyers that target.
-Specifies the number of prospective buyers intended.
-Choose the most appropriate media to reach prospective buyer.

2. Attention:
Promotion should be able to attract the attention of consumers ateu prospective buyers to go, but it is often very difficult to attract the attention of prospective buyers terhadappromosi we did caused so much promotion done also by other companies, so that the attention of prospective buyers not only focused on the campaign carried out by the company which includes a number of other edvertensi, sales promotion and other promotional efforts. So the company faced the problem of how to keep the campaign carried out by other companies. How that can be done to attract the attention of prospective buyers such as providing links to a particular event, the use of people who are already popular in the eyes of the reklamenya, highlight what is more a privilege of products that are not found in other products, and so forth.

3. Understanding:
Other promotional purposes of promoting an understanding was reached on a prospective buyer interprets the message reached him. Prospective buyers often can not understand the promotion are not well planned or can attract attention, sometimes a change of media used can cause the message is not clear that the changing use of media we should also involve whether the necessary changes to the message. Thus, companies must be sure that the message was clearly conveyed through the media and to attract attention, as many companies promoting various products, many potential buyers are interested, remember and understand some of the many promotional campaigns that exist.

4. Attitude Change:
After the promotion can be understood by potential buyers, the company expects a response from prospective buyers of the campaign. Each company 'must adjust to their product promotion to be able to change the attitude of potential buyers of its target, such as a change order to divert the buyer purchases from another company's products to the products produced by the company.
Many companies use advertisements to change the attitude of prospective buyers projecting, advertisements may not necessarily lead to the majority of buyers for immediate purchase.

5. Action:
In accordance with the ultimate goal of the campaign is to improve the company's results through increased sales results, the most important purpose of the promotion is to be able to induce action from prospective buyers of its target, because it indicates the success or failure of a campaign.

10 kalimat Present dan Past tense

Present Tense

  • Many people assume that the promotion and marketing have the same sense, when that promotion is only one part of the working paper.
  • "Promotion encompasses all the tools in the marketing mix Whose mayor is persuasive communication".
  • Promotion includes all the tools in combination slat main role of marketing communication is to conduct a campaign to persuade its communication process of delivering the message or news about your products / goods or services from sellers to potential buyers (consumers).
  • Promotions include sales by individuals, bulk sales and sales promotion
  • .  although the implementation of this promotion is generally done by the sellers / producers, buyers or prospective buyers sometimes sometimes consciously or unconsciously have also done promotions, for example if they want any information / explanation about the price, quality and so on from the sales.
  • A promotion held without whose objective is tantamount to performing work in vain.
  • How that can be done to attract the attention of prospective buyers such as providing links to a particular event, the use of people who are already popular in the eyes of the reklamenya, highlight what is more a privilege of products that are not found in other products, and so forth.
  • Many companies use advertisements to change the attitude of prospective buyers projecting, advertisements may not necessarily lead to the majority of buyers for immediate purchase.
  • the most important purpose of the promotion is to be able to induce action from prospective buyers of its target, because it indicates the success or failure of a campaign.
  • Promotion includes all the tools in combination slat main role of marketing communication

Past Tense
  • . promotion of understanding proposed by Philip Kotler is as follows:
  • Promotion is concerned with a method of communication that is aimed at a target market of the exact product being sold at the right place at the right price.
  • As stated above, the basic purpose of the implementation of the promotion is to influence consumers into buying the product seller.
  • One important goal of the campaign is the promotion must be able to deliver a number of prospective buyers barely pads intended or targeted, so companies should mem1lih yens mane can be achieved to the target buyers.
  • Determine the intended or prospective buyers that target.
  • Promotion should be able to attract the attention of consumers ateu prospective buyers to go, but it is often very difficult to attract the attention of prospective buyers terhadappromosi we did caused so much promotion done also by other companies, so that the attention of prospective buyers not only focused on the campaign carried out by the company which includes a number of other edvertensi, sales promotion and other promotional efforts.
  • Other promotional purposes of promoting an understanding was reached on a prospective buyer interprets the message reached him.
  •  so that the attention of prospective buyers not only focused on the campaign carried out
  • Based on the above it can be a third opinion concluded that the promotion